By Everlasting Heart Keepsakes
June 17, 2021
Having to relactate twice within six months of my first child's life was certainly not what I had anticipated in my breastfeeding journey. My welcome to motherhood was filled with pain and struggle that started when my daughter Joy, had severe food allergies, systemic eczema, and impetigo that were triggered by an injection when she was six weeks old. This led me to start an elimination diet and also do an intensive detox for her and myself which required that I actually not breastfeed during that detox phase. During that time frame my friend supplied donor milk for her while I was detoxing, and of course my supply completely depleted and I had to relactate afterwards. Despite cutting out all of her food allergens and detoxing, she still had issues with her skin. Shortly after this, my daughter then contracted herpes (HSV1). It not only spread all over her body, but she passed it to me through breastfeeding. The sores began on my nipples and spread throughout my whole body until I was hospitalized with a very rare and lethal form of HSV1 called "eczema herpeticum". It was throughout those two painful months of recovering that my friend became her exclusive milk donor again! I finally healed and relactated for the second time, but again, my child regressed into severe allergic reactions whenever she had my breastmilk. It was heartbreaking when none of us nor the medical professionals could figure out what was going on. Even after blood work for the both of us, elimination diets, and detoxes, she still was greatly impacted by my breastmilk and only moderately handled the donor milk. It was when we had to travel out of the country and couldn't bring donor milk that we sampled a hypoallergenic formula and her skin got immediate relief. While we truly didn't want her to be on formula, at that point it was the only thing that helped her sleep, heal, and not claw at her bleeding and oozing skin every waking moment. Fortunately, she got at least six months worth of antibody-rich breast milk from two separate mommas. It was because of these struggles that I vowed that I too would become a milk donor to other mommas going through their very own trials when I had my next child. Fast forward 2.5 years while I was 40 weeks pregnant with my second child, I heard God tell me that He would heal my heart through this child, and that was before I knew I was carrying a boy. And here came my homebirth redemption baby came at the peak of Covid... Josiah, which means "God is healer", the name my husband had already picked out years prior. I braced myself for an unknown journey ahead, but I was filled with faith that I'd see God fulfill His promise. Now I'm writing today to share that: 1.) God has completely healed my heart and even my body. Josiah's first latch was on the breast where the herpes started, where I still have scars from almost losing one of my nipples. Also, Josiah is completely injection-free and has zero food allergies! 2.) I have now breastfed Josiah for one year, and it looks like he won't be stopping any time soon! Even my daughter gets to drink my extra breastmilk from a cup and still loves it. 3.) I have officially donated over 5,000 ounces of breastmilk to 12 babies, and even got to directly breastfeed one of them! After having gone through such struggle and sacrifice in my first breastfeeding journey and having seen it redeemed in my second, I knew I needed something extra special to commemorate those life-changing milestones. And that's what led me to find Everlasting Heart Keepsakes - I was even gifted this ring from a family I donated to! I specifically chose the Celeste ring for its symbolism: the two bands intertwining are my two children and their breastfeeding journeys crossing paths in their redeemed purposes, and the milk stone tear drop shape with the gold flakes resembles the "liquid gold" breast milk I've been able to produce and donate. This is my most valued piece of jewelry and it will forever have a place in my heart as a constant reminder of everything my children and I have been through, but also everything we have overcome